Friday, 24 February 2017

                                                              CURRICULUM VITAE

                                                                        Download Resume
Ganesh Shah
Address- Gurgaon
Phone No, +91-9717705867

Academic Qualification

Ø 06th passed

Worked Experience

Ø  Total 07 years’ experienced as a cook.

Personal Assets

Ø  Dedicated, Hardworking, Positive attitude always ready to learn.

Ø  Active and resourceful
Ø  Sense of responsibility

Personal Details

§  Age                                         :                       31

§  Language known                  :                       Hindi

§  Nationality                            :                       Indian

§  Marital Status                      :                       Married

§  Gender                                  :                       Male

§  Religion                                :                       Hindu

Ø  I hereby declare that all given information by me is true & correct to the best of my knowledge.

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